A Note on the Style of THE SYNONYM FINDER The Synonym Finder follows dictionary format. Entries are arranged alphabetically, with all appropriate parts of speech included under a single headword. Homographs ¡ª words spelled identically but of different origins ¡ª are entered separately with an identifying superior number. Word listings have been organized numerically according to definition and major semantic groups; further discriminations are shown within these groups by separating subgroups by semicolons. Usage levels are indicated by appropriate labels, such as Slang, Informal, etc. ; technical or specialized words are identified by a field label such as Chemistry, Nautical, etc. In addition, gist information {enclosed in parentheses) is often included to help the user avoid inappropriate choices. All gist and usage information appears before the word to which it applies, and applies to that immediately following word only, unless otherwise clearly indicated (e.g., Both Inf., All SI.). Foreign words and phrases as yet unassimilated into English are appropriately labeled and italicized. In most cases, usage or technical labels have been written in full (e.g., Archaic, Literary). The labels Informal and Slang, when written in full before an entire listing, refer to the entry headword, rather than to the synonyms that follow. When abbreviated {Inf. or SI.), the labels, like others in The Synonym Finder, refer to the following word. 16803/16800 Viandanze 2011.11.26